Dan Maljovec

D3 Experiments

2D Morse-Smale Complex and Flow
Loads a pre-defined function onto a regular grid and then extracts the Morse-Smale complex using the piecewise linear framework. An animation of the flow is provided colored by Morse-Smale cells, and the user can interact with grid by hovering over elements to show more detailed information.
Cell Complexes and Neighborhood Graphs
Currently demonstrates the Čech Complex, the Viteoris-Rips Complex, the k-nearest neighbor graph, and the β-skeleton on a small two-dimensional sample set of points. The user can adjust the radius of the encapsulating balls used to determine simplices of each complex.
Arbitrary Lp Norms in 2D
A simple visualization that lets a user interactively adjust the p value and visualize what the unit ball looks like for that Lp space.
Least Squares fitting on 1D problem
A short test of ordinary, weighted, and moving least squares on a small 1D test set. Users can modify the scale parameter used for the moving least squares solution, and also they can construct their own small datasets with custom weights through mouse interactions.